Posts in Politics
China's Changing Tides: How Sentiments Toward The West & Politics Could Affect Your Business
Looking Toward The 2nd Biggest Trading Hub in Africa: Importing into Ethiopia
Heavy Consequences for Violations: What To Know Before Importing Into Mexico
Mexico's Tax Landscape: Navigating the RFC Acquisition Process for Business Entities
Don't Let the Details Derail Your Dreams: Navigating Packaging, Compliance, and Beyond in Mexico
Navigate The Import Maze: From Registration to Clearance in Mexico
Avoid Disaster: Navigating Common Challenges for Importers into Canada
TEIL Universe Exporting Series: Entering the Mexican Market
The Potential Reinstatement of GSP: A Boon for Global Business Owners
Navigating the Import Process: Bringing Goods from China to the United States
A Comprehensive Guide: Importing Goods from South Africa to the United States
Before You Start Trading with China or the EU…Read This
Russian Gas Threatening European Economy as War in Ukraine Rages On

This strain is forcing high energy costs on European companies which in turn will inevitably affect imports from Europe and the companies buying them as prices soar to accommodate energy costs. What could this mean for business owners enmeshed in globalization? Well, if you’re importing from Europe or doing business with anyone in the EU, expect higher trade prices as European companies are attempting to offset the cost of rising energy, especially if Russia puts embargos on their oil.

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