Posts tagged African Trade
A Comprehensive Guide: Importing Goods from South Africa to the United States
Are You Interested In Global Work In Africa?

If you are like many people who know how important it is to do business in Africa right now, you have the idea and do not know where to start. Maybe you want to export, farm there, or sell something there. In this article we recognize that Africa is a huge Continent, so we'll take a closer look at individual countries. We start with how to establish a business in Ghana. The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act (GIPC) outlines the fundamental requirements of Non-Ghanaians starting a business in Ghana.

Doing business in Ghana is actually not as hard as it may seem at first. The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act (GIPC) outlines the fundamentals for Non-Ghanaians starting a business.

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Africa's New Trade Deal

What the AfCFTA has the ability to do is putting systems in place to reduce the trade issues in intra-African trade. These larger integrated markets could make outside investment more prevalent and it could lead to new tech and new learning.

As with all international trade - tariffs play a large role, and though trade within African borders is low, revenue from tariff collection is essential to governments, and to protect domestic industry through limitation of import competition…

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