Posts tagged Finances
Avoid Disaster: Navigating Common Challenges for Importers into Canada
Russian Gas Threatening European Economy as War in Ukraine Rages On

This strain is forcing high energy costs on European companies which in turn will inevitably affect imports from Europe and the companies buying them as prices soar to accommodate energy costs. What could this mean for business owners enmeshed in globalization? Well, if you’re importing from Europe or doing business with anyone in the EU, expect higher trade prices as European companies are attempting to offset the cost of rising energy, especially if Russia puts embargos on their oil.

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Selling A Business? Read This First.

Could there be disputes? Absolutely. There often are between buyers and sellers, which is why it's important you have a lawyer ready for litigation even after the ink has dried. Working capital is the biggest issue of dispute, with some cases going to trial and lasting for years with discrepancies in the millions and billions. Working capital is the biggest cause for dispute, but litigation post-sale can happen for any number of reasons including warranties & purchase price payments.

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Bank Guarantee VS Letter Of Credit

For example, a letter of credit could be used in the delivery of goods or the completion of a service. The seller may request that the buyer obtain a letter of credit before the transaction occurs. The buyer purchases the letter of credit from a bank and forwards it to the seller's bank. This letter substitutes the bank's credit for that of its client, ensuring correct and timely payment.

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