Looking For Some Extra Cashflow?

If you are a budding entrepreneur and do not know where to start, TEIL has some tips: put down your bucket where you are!

What do you like to do? 9 times out of 10 there is a business for you. Apple, Inc. has made us all photographers, but some are better than others. You can freelance as a photographer, make digital products for sale (all from your phone), and even sell images. When it comes down to mobile earning, new business ideas are constantly coming to light. Do you have clothes, household items, bags, or books you don't use? Live near a Goodwill? Sell your gently-used products on Poshmark or eBay, and you could be on your way to earning a lot of money to go toward your business.

Maybe you're a techie who understands website creation. You can start an online business with your phone, using your design and social media skills to be a virtual assistant. People of all ages love their animals (me included), and sometimes don't have the time to walk their dogs, or need someone to care for their home and pets when they're away. Join a dog-walking service like Wag, or sign up to be a house sitter. 

All kinds of miscellaneous household tasks are in high demand and you could even work part-time for taskrabbit.com helping busy professionals like you get their chores done. You can do all kinds of things including dog walking, babysitting, lawn care, organizing, and even laundry! If you love consulting about your gift, become a consultant with a virtual office and if you are good at book-keeping you will always have a trade. So excuses-none.